Providing Green Pool Recovery in Darwin

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Restore Your Pool's Sparkle

When your pool turns a murky green, it's more than a cosmetic issue—it's a call for immediate attention.

At Fannie Bay Pool Shop, we offer green pool recovery services across Darwin, returning your pool back to pristine condition. We understand that algae growth, unchecked pH levels and faulty equipment can transform your pool into an unwelcoming pond. We confront these challenges head-on with our 30 years of expertise and a long list of satisfied clients.

Our thorough inspection pinpoints the exact issues, from algae to filtration flaws. With our intricate knowledge of swimming pool maintenance supplies, we ensure your pool's rapid transformation from green to clean.

We also have an array of
pool products, including lighting, filters, robots and general supplies. Call us on (08) 8947 0055 today!

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In-Depth Expertise & Experience

Quality Products & Services

Comprehensive Green Pool Recovery Services

Reviving your green pool is an intricate process—a careful symphony of services that bring back balance and clarity:

  • Thorough Inspection: We dive deep into the root of the problem, meticulously examining every factor that might contribute to your pool's green state.
  • Algae Treatment: Our robust algae eradication methods not only clear the current bloom but also safeguard against future invasions.
  • Filtration System Check: We'll scrutinise your pool's filtration system, making adjustments to guarantee optimal performance.
  • Chemical Balancing: Our precise chemical adjustments ensure your pool water is sparkling and perfectly balanced for a safe swim.
  • Equipment Optimisation: We can fine-tune your pool's equipment, ensuring efficient operation and contributing to the overall recovery process.

Our preventive measures and expert guidance will leave you with a stunning aquatic environment that's both inviting and safe for everyone to enjoy. Ready to rejuvenate your pool? Contact us now.

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